We all benefit from quality health care. To family, friends, and neighbors this means up to date equipment, efficient diagnosis and treatment available close to home. Your generous donations help us to provide state of the art equipment for our hospital, which in turn makes it easier for us to recruit and retain quality medical staff. The Board of Directors of the Kootenay Lake Hospital Foundation offers our sincere thanks to the generous individuals, businesses and community organizations that support the Foundation.

Kootenay Lake Hospital Foundation is proud to support equipment needs for Kootenay Lake Hospital.  While we strive to keep our administration costs low, these costs are necessary to run the Foundation.  A 5% administration fee is applied to all restricted donations.

For more information about the Foundation’s financial picture, see our page on the Canada Revenue Agency website: click here


There are many ways to contribute to the Foundation:

Donations from individuals, businesses and community organizations are always welcome. Charitable Donations of $10 or more will be acknowledged with a charitable receipt for income tax purposes. Your donation will not only help you feel good about helping your community hospital, but it will result in a savings on your income tax return.

Sign up for CarePlan.

To show your support for your hospital while at the same time achieving public relations benefits, businesses may wish to consider Sponsorship of an event.  To become a sponsor, please contact the Foundation office.

Memorial Gifts are a way to remember a departed friend or loved one who has passed away, while supporting your hospital.

Planned Giving is an estate planning tool that allows a gift to be arranged now that will have benefits in the future.

Volunteer your time to help with events or serve on committees. 

Without the support of our Volunteers the Foundation would not exist.
Volunteers are vital to every aspect of the Foundation.
From the events planners to the Directors of our governing board,
we couldn’t do it without you!

To make a donation, volunteer, or receive more information, please contact us.